Saturday, April 26, 2014

Good Day !!

Today i had the English class in GEA.
I was happy because of my plant. My plant is growing !! It was sooooooo nice ! It growed so little bit but so nice.
And today i learned about pronunciation.
"P" "F" "B" "V" "W"
It was very same ... but it was cool.
And i wrote a story for moral. And i hear other's story. It was so good story. But i was little bit tired because of the weather was cloudy and rain.
When i arrived, weaher was so nice so i gave the water to my plant. But it was my false because it was rain ....

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Today we learned about the etiquette. My team performed about etiquette in restaurant.
I received rude character. It was fun. And during i learned about etiquette in U.S,
I thought that there are difference things between etiquette in Korea and etiquette in U.S.
So i thought that i should not be confused.

Plants in English Academy

Today i checked my plane name is tomato. But my tomato did not grow yet, so i was dissapointed. But other person's plant name is Wild Flower is growing well. During i see this, i hoped that my tomato grows quickly well. So i think if i want to see that my tomato grows quickky, i should give sincerity.